Sunflower Bouquet (Straight Bunch)
Bring the sunshine inside with one of our beautiful Sunflower Bouquets.
Each bouquet comes with 10 stems (aka a 'straight bunch') featuring a variety of our 7 different sunflowers. These joyful blooms will brighten up any room and add a touch of sunshine to your table. Grown locally and organically on our small family farm, our sunflowers are sure to bring a smile to your face and a burst of color to your day.
Enjoy the beauty of nature with our stunning Sunflower Bouquets of Freshcoln Farms!
(Pictured above is a sample of our 2023 Sunflower / Wildflower Bouquet, as well as our new blooms opening, currently, on the farm. Actual Bouquet photo of this year's blooms to follow this week.)
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